Grow Your Clinic With EMERALD™ Laser

The Most Effective, Fully Automated Fat Loss Device

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FDA, ISO, CE, IEC cleared. Proven by exceptional clinical research (level 1 studies).

100% Automated

Save on staff costs and increase profits. The perfect no-contact treatments.

Outstanding Results

Average circumference loss of 6 inches / 15.24 cm - best on the market today.

No Downtime

Painless treatments with no bruising, swelling, redness, or reported side-effects.

Fast ROI

Make your investment back in months - our expert team will help you at every stage.

Unique Opportunity

The Emerald™ Laser Is an All-in-One Solution to Expand Your Product Range

The device is the only one of its kind that is cleared by the FDA for fat removal, giving you a unique, high-quality service to add to your portfolio. We provide the training, ongoing support, and marketing, allowing you to focus on what matters most – your clients.

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World Leaders in Laser Therapy Technology

A Product of Erchonia® Corporation

With over 25 years of experience, 16,000+ devices in the market, and 20 FDA-clearances, Erchonia® Corporation are world leaders in non-thermal, Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) technology for fat loss, pain relief, nail and skin pathologies, and more.

With a 91% customer satisfaction rating, EMERALD™ is a low-risk investment with fast ROI – request more information now and start to grow your clinic.

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Success Stories

Europe’s First Emerald™ Clinic Makes €80,000+

Most Credible Research in the Market

Proven to Give the Best Results

Emerald™ is the only fat loss device on the market that is FDA-cleared for overall body circumference reduction on 30+ BMI – with an average circumference loss of 6 inches / 15.24 cm, your clients will be more than happy with their results.

All studies carried out to obtain FDA-clearance are double blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, and multi-site – the most credible research in the market today.

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Quick & Convenient

Non-invasive, short 30 minute sessions.

No Side Effects

‘Walk-in walk-out’ with no downtime.

No Contact

Your clients will feel safe and secure.

Safe & Healthy

Medically certified technology.

Treats Cellulite

A complete body contouring service.

Best Results

6 inches average circumference loss.

Stand Out From the Crowd With Emerald™

A Unique, High-Quality Service to Add to Your Portfolio

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91% Customer Satisfaction

Our Clients Couldn’t Be Happier With Our Range of Fat Loss Lasers

From physicians and surgeons, to aesthetics clinics and weight loss centres, here’s what our clients say about Verjú® - Emerald’s predecessor.

Erchonia really have improved on perfection! With Verjú the results are much faster, and the addition of the cellulite programme has created amazing results. Our clients are absolutely thrilled with their new bodies.

Advanced Rejuvenation ClinicWilmslow, Cheshire, UK

I was attracted to using Verjú in my clinic not only because it has robust clinical research supporting its success in fat loss, but also its safety profile and FDA approval. What I love is its simplicity and the science behind its effect on individual fat cells.

Dr. Kashif Ali - Medical Weight Loss LtdGlasgow, UK

The Verjú Laser is one of the most innovative products in the aesthetic industry. The fact of a completely pain free treatment with amazing results for the patients is convincing in any aspect.

Dr. med. Janine PantzekHamburg, Germany

The quality of Erchonia level 1 clinical research provides so much reassurance to purchasing doctors. The new protocol is so easy to manage for clinics and patients! 94% of all our patients achieved the result they were looking for.

Dr. Miguel Montero-Garcia - Discover LaserBurnley, UK

Weight management is becoming the scourge of society, leading to diabetes, obesity and much more. The Erchonia fat loss laser has given me and my team the ability to set up management programs to combat this issue in a revolutionary non-surgical way.

Mr. Robert Sullivan - Midleton ClinicCounty Cork, Ireland

The Verjú has helped multiple clients to lose 5 plus inches in their abdomen and over 12 inches in total measured abdomen, hip and thigh. Patients have been very happy with their results.

Dr. Reid Beaman, PA - Roanoke Rapids Express CareNorth Carolina, USA

I call Verjú the most natural, healthy and logical approach to melting fat! Verjú is the best way to jump start a healthy lifestyle because you see encouraging results immediately.

Dr. Eileen Comia, MD - Advance Biomedical Treatment CenterConnecticut, USA

Verjú cold laser is the best alternative to surgical methods of body shaping. It provides excellent results, lower volume in a very short period… I recommend this excellent laser treatment to anyone who is afraid of surgery.

Dr. Dinko Bagatin, MD - Specialist in General and Plastic SurgeryZagreb, Croatia

Many of our patients have undergone Verjú treatments – The results absolutely justify Verjú owning FDA certificates for body shaping, volume reduction and removal of fat in obese patients. The results are truly astounding.

Dr. Jasenka Kalajdžić - Polyclinic Lege ArtisOsijek, Croatia

Why Wait? Contact Us Today and Start to Grow Your Clinic

Make your investment back in months with Emerald™ - we’ll help you at every stage.

How Does Emerald™ Work?

Emerald™ uses 10 x 532nm true green laser beams (monochromatic, collimated, and coherent) to create small transitory pores for the fatty liquids in fat cells to seep out. The fatty liquids are then naturally flushed out through the lymphatic system.

The result is that the fat cells shrink instead of being killed. When this happens, the shrunken fat cells begin to act and function like healthy lean cells, releasing the correct messages to the brain and creating a communication effect throughout the fat organ, causing other fat cells to release their content and return their hormone responses to the positive.

Procedures that have been popular in the past (such as fat freezing) focus on the elimination of fat cells, but recent research has shown this approach to be ineffective, and in the worst-case scenario, providing counterproductive results as the fat may regenerate in other parts of the body, or worse, around the organs.

The Emerald™ Laser effectively trains fat cells to behave and react differently, and all without excessive heat or cooling. Please watch this video for more information:

What Is the Scientific Evidence Behind Emerald™?

All studies carried out to obtain FDA-clearance are double blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, and multi-site – the most credible research in the market today.

The following list shows the clinical trials and an outline of their progress. As a company, to protect our intellectual assets, not all clinical trials we are involved with are made public so as to maintain our competitive advantage. As such, not all clinical trials are listed below.

Please note: Emerald™ is new in series – several clinical studies were performed on its predecessors (with the same mechanisms of action).

Please also note: There are hundreds of clinical studies confirming the effectiveness of Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), and every year there many new publications. Below is a list of Erchonia-specific studies for FDA-clearance.

1) Non-Invasive Dermatological Aesthetic Treatment for the Reduction of Body Circumference in Individuals With a Body Mass Index (BMI) of up to 40 kg / m² – 2019 – The data used to get this approval combined all previous data Erchonia® had on 20-40 BMI patients in the green laser studies below.

2) Non-Invasive Dermatological Aesthetic Treatment for the Reduction of Body Circumference — 2016.
FDA-clearance – K162578

3) Non-Invasive Dermatological Aesthetic Treatment for the Reduction of Circumference of Hips, Waist, Thighs and Upper Abdomen — 6 Week Treatment Protocol — 2014 — Sponsor and Monitor, IRB approved, double blind, placebo controlled, multi-site, clinical study.
FDA-clearance – K150446
To view NIH clinical trial records, click here.

4) Non-Invasive Dermatological Aesthetic Treatment for the Reduction of Circumference of Hips, Waist and Thighs — 2012 — Sponsor and Monitor, IRB approved, double blind, placebo controlled, multi-site, clinical study.
FDA-clearance – K143007
To view NIH clinical trial records, click here.

5) Non-Invasive Dermatological Aesthetic Treatment for Reduction of Circumference of Hips, Waist and Upper Abdomen When Applied to Individuals with a Body Mass Index (BMI) Between 30 kg/m2 and 40 kg/m2 — 2013 – Sponsor and Monitor, IRB approved, double blind, placebo controlled, multi-site, clinical study.
FDA-clearance – K142042
To view NIH clinical trial records, click here.

6) Non-Invasive Body Contouring Using GLS Laser – 532 nm (Green) Trade Name Verju — 2012 — Sponsor and Monitor, IRB approved, double blind, placebo controlled, multi-site, clinical study.
FDA-clearance – K123237
To view NIH clinical trial records, click here.

7) Appearance of Cellulite (Verju Laser System) — 2012 — Sponsor and Monitor, IRB approved, double blind, placebo controlled, multi-site, clinical study.
FDA-clearance – K130922
To view NIH clinical trial records, click here.

8) Arm Circumference Reduction of the Upper Arms — 2011 — Sponsor and Monitor, IRB approved, double blind, placebo controlled, multi-site, clinical study.
Study results used to obtain FDA-clearance – K120257
To view NIH clinical trial records, click here.

9) Non-Invasive Fat Reduction and Body Contouring – Laser Scanner Waist, Hips, and Thighs — 2009 — Sponsor and Monitor, IRB approved, double blind, placebo controlled, multi-site, clinical study.
Study results used to obtain FDA-clearance – K082609
To view NIH clinical trial records, click here.

10) Low-Level Laser Light Therapy as an Aid to Liposuction and Reduction of Pain Associated With Surgery — 2004 — Sponsor and Monitor, IRB approved, double blind, placebo controlled, multi-site, clinical study.
Study results used to obtain FDA-clearance – K041139
To view NIH clinical trial records, click here.

What Is the Difference Between Emerald™ and Other Technologies in This Market?

Emerald™ has been scientifically proven to be the most effective fat loss device on the market today, with several double blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, and multi-site studies supporting its efficacy. Many competing companies advertise their products as ‘clinically proven’, guaranteeing ‘instant results’. However, these claims are often not backed by comprehensive clinical evidence.

It is also sometimes the case that competing technologies are marketed as ‘FDA-cleared’, but this clearance is quite weak or not related to fat loss. For example, perhaps the clearance is for wrinkles and rhytids, or for temporary fat reduction. We always recommend that you ask for details of the FDA-clearances and make an informed decision. Pay particular attention to the scope of the clearance, whether it involved clinical studies, how many patients participated, were the studies placebo controlled, double blind, and randomised, how many peer reviewed published articles they have, and what the adverse reactions / side effects were – we would be happy to provide this information for you.

Statements From the FDA

  • Emerald – 6 inches / 15.24 cm average reduction in waist, hips, and upper abdomen (51.33 mm off waist) – 1 month.
  • Verjú (Emerald Predecessor) – 11.48 cm reduction in waist, hips, and thighs – 2 weeks.
  • BTL – 3.2 ± 1.64 cm change in abdominal circumference – 3-month follow-up.
  • Cool Sculpting / Zeltiq – No reduction. Appearance claim only (1.78 – 2.66 mm at 4 months).
  • Liposonix (Ultrasound) – 1 inch loss at 4 months.
  • Ultrashape (Ultrasound) – 1 inch loss at 4 months.
  • Sculpsure (Thermal Laser) – 1.785 mm at 12 weeks.

What Is a Non-Thermal Laser? (Technical Explanation)

To understand the properties of non-thermal lasers, it is first important to distinguish between High-Level Laser Therapy (HLLT) and Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT):

  • HLLT devices are classified as ‘Class IV Lasers’ by the FDA in virtue of having a power output that’s greater than 500mW (i.e. high risk of hazard).
  • LLLT devices are classified as either ‘Class IIIB Lasers’, ‘Class IIIR Lasers’, or ‘Class II Lasers’ in virtue of having a power output of 5-500mW, 1-5mW, or <1mW respectively (i.e. lower risk of hazard).

The vast majority of HLLT devices have longer near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths – there is a common misconception, often propagated by the manufacturers of such devices, that high power with longer wavelengths results in:

  1. Deeper penetration, allowing for the treatment of a wider range of conditions.
  2. More efficacious results (due to the delivery of more energy into the cells).

This however, is not correct for the following well-documented reasons:

  1. Due to the high absorption rate of laser light by water at wavelengths greater than 950nm, most of the energy produced at this wavelength (or above) is absorbed before penetrating the dermis.
  2. The key principle behind Laser Therapy is to generate therapeutic effects by stimulating and enhancing specific biochemical processes within cells. More specifically, utilising the first law in photochemistry (Grotthuss-Draper law), laser energy is transferred to cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) – a respiratory energy-transducing enzyme which is involved in the electron transport chain in mitochondria. This energy transfer causes photodissociation of inhibitory nitric oxide from CcO, leading to an enhancement of enzyme activity, electron transport, mitochondrial respiration, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. Consequently, by altering the cellular redox state, Laser Therapy induces the activation of numerous intracellular signalling pathways, and alters the affinity of transcription factors concerned with cell proliferation, survival, repair, and regeneration. However, there is an optimal ‘dose’ of laser energy (typically 2-4 joules / cm²) required for stimulating and enhancing these desired biochemical processes – HLLT devices exceed this optimal level.

Put simply, HLLT devices deliver too much energy at inefficient wavelengths, resulting in a lack of efficacy and increased costs.

To add to this, the high outputs used by such devices produce painful heat sensations, further limiting their scope of treatment.

In essence, HLLT devices should only be used for laser surgery and tissue ablation – the high outputs are effective for cell destruction, but are not suited for therapeutic purposes, contrary to the claims of Class IV manufacturers.

LLLT devices, on the other hand, aim to deliver energy via low output, short wavelength beams of light. The general theory is that this approach transfers the optimal amount of energy for stimulating and enhancing cell function, while not damaging cells or producing painful heat sensations.

Within the LLLT sector however, some of the higher-output devices still generate heat / pain. Furthermore, many devices are advertised as ‘lasers’, when in fact they are Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) or Superluminescent Diodes (SLDs). In contrast to LEDs or SLDs, ‘true’ lasers generate monochromatic, collimated, and coherent beams of light. That is, the light emitted by a true laser is composed from photons that have the same wavelength (monochromatic), travel in the same direction / do not disperse (collimated), and are in phase in space and time (coherent). These three properties of true lasers make them the most effective and efficient LLLT devices.

To separate Erchonia® from such technologies, and from HLLT more generally, we say that our lasers are ‘non-thermal, true lasers’. That is, Erchonia® lasers do not produce any heat or painful sensations, and are monochromatic, collimated, and coherent.

How Is Emerald™ Therapy Administered?

There are two basic steps when administering Emerald™ treatments. First, we find the most severe areas of subcutaneous fat or cellulite. Then, we use the diodes to target this area, positioning them around 9 – 15 cm away from the skin. This optimises exposure to the generated beams, and treats the target area whilst the client relaxes.

Are There Any Conditions Which Would Prevent Patients From Receiving the Treatments?

There are no code regulated contraindications, however, since there are no long-term evaluations on certain conditions, we do not recommend using Emerald™ on pregnant women, clients with a pacemaker, or clients with photosensitive epilepsy. We also do no recommend using the device over an area of known cancer.

How Long Do the Results Last?

The treatment is officially labelled as ‘non-temporary’ by the FDA, so as long as your clients lead a normal to healthy lifestyle, their results will continue. To give an example, if your clients consume 4000 calories per day, although they will lose inches during the Emerald™ treatments, they may quickly put these inches back on.

We generally recommend that you promote small lifestyle changes along with the Emerald™ course, with the option of maintenance treatments if required.

How Long Is a Treatment?

The Emerald™ treatments are just 30 minutes long and fully automated, allowing you to save on staff costs and increase profits.

How Many Treatments Are Required?

Your clients should see improvements after the very first session, and the results will continue to improve with each treatment.

However, the number of treatments that your clients will require depends on their aims, objectives, lifestyle, medical history, and any medication that they may be on – in general, most patients will need 6+ sessions, with one, two, or three treatments per week.

What Areas Can Be Treated?

Emerald™ treats overall body circumference while also allowing your clients to target stubborn areas of fat and cellulite.

Most people who undergo the treatments focus on their midriff and thighs, but the device can also target any area of subcutaneous fat, including bra strap, upper arms, jowls, knees, and more.

Please examine the image below for the possible treatment options:

Emerald Laser Body Contouring Areas

What Do Erchonia® Lasers Treat and How Are They Used?

Erchonia® lasers are used in many areas, such as 360-degree fat loss, body sculpting, cellulite reduction, pain management, pre / postsurgical healing, pre / rehabilitation, and nail and skin pathologies (e.g. onychomycosis (nail fungus), acne, and more).

Not only do our lasers treat specifics, but they also empower the body to function efficiently due to the beneficial effects they have on our cells.

Is There Any Pain or Downtime Associated With Erchonia® Technologies?

Erchonia® technologies do not have any downtime or associated pain, and there are no recorded side effects or adverse reactions.

Why Choose Erchonia®?

With over 25 years of experience, 16,000+ devices in the market, and 20 FDA-clearances, Erchonia® Corporation are world leaders in non-thermal, Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) technology for fat loss, pain relief, nail and skin pathologies, and more.

Erchonia® were the first Low-Level Laser in the world to gain US FDA market clearance in 2002, and we now own 20 of the 23 FDA-clearances given to Low-Level Lasers.

We are dedicated to producing safe, effective solutions designed for health clinics, aesthetics centres, chiropractors, physical therapists, sports medicine practices, professional sports clubs, veterinarians, and many other types of companies / professions.

All Erchonia® laser systems are cut from raw materials, and all of our products go through a rigorous quality control process before delivery to our customers around the world. As a company, we are 85% self-reliant in all facets of our organisation, and all of our products are FDA, ISO, OSHA, and MDSAP compliant.

The Erchonia® mission statement is simply “Quality Not Compromise”, and this is ingrained in every aspect of our business – from an unwavering belief in the limitless potential applications of Low-Level Lasers, down to the care and quality of the smallest component of our devices. Just pick up any Erchonia® product, feel the quality of workmanship, and see the attention to detail that can only come from Erchonia’s near-complete control of the manufacturing and assembly processes that go into each product bearing the Erchonia® name.

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